
Start-up and subsequent operation of the Panama Metro, lines 1 and 2



Technical support in various fields for the start-up and initial supervision of operations in various railway systems.

This technical support work includes, among other things, the reception of rolling stock; dynamic tests with the fleet of mobile units in all test phases (from the earliest to dry runs); the preparation of the standards, regulations and certifications required for the entry into service of a collective public transport system; the training of personnel involved in the operation of the system, and so on.

The Panamanian government set up the Secretaría de Metros de Panamá, with the status of a ministry, to initiate the construction of the first metro line in Panama City. TMB's responsibilities within the consortium:

To supervise and prepare the new line's operations

  • Recruitment of operational and middle management staff 
  • Training of all operational staff (train drivers, control centre, middle management, operations and maintenance managers, etc.)

To supervise, from the operator's perspective, of construction site projects.

To ensure the quality of rolling stock delivered to Panama Metro.

  • Monitoring of production in the factory
  • Reception and start-up of trains in Panama
  • Validation tests

Preparation and management of facilities, processes and people.


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