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We adapt to the needs of the project and the customer

We adapt to the needs of the project and the customer at each stage, adopting different roles or modes of involvement according to the customer's needs.

Our range of services stems from a desire to share our knowledge in different areas, adapting to each stage of the project —from its conception to its implementation— with the degree of involvement required by the customer at all times.

Adapting to different roles

  • rol asesorAdvisory role

    The customer wants to liaise with all the agents involved, so TMB will advise the customer at all times on possible options or scenarios so that it is the customer who makes the decisions and moves the project forward.

  • Rol fiscalizadorSupervisory role

    The customer needs TMB to be more involved, whereby certain actions of the supplier are monitored and validated on their behalf, and accounted for according to an agreed schedule.

  • Rol elaboradorDeveloper role

    The customer needs TMB to draw up all the specifications or requirements that meet their needs, so TMB is directly responsible for defining these.

  • Rol gestorManagement role

    The customer already has the project drawn up and needs TMB, given its experience as an operator, to implement and manage the system for as long as the customer deems necessary.

At each stage of the project

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    At this stage, the best strategy for the project is considered, taking into account a number of different factors. Possible solutions are presented and their application is justified from a social, environmental, physical, populational and financial perspective. At this stage, it is likely that several transport systems, different technological solutions or diverse future user services are still being considered.

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    At this stage, taking into account the demand studies, the route and stops along the chosen system(s), the necessary rolling stock, quantity, frequency of service, necessary technological solutions and user services to be offered by the customer must be considered.

    This includes developing the terms of reference or tender specifications to be prepared for the project tender, the system for evaluating the offers submitted and the awarding of the contract.

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    When the project is implemented, it is crucial that it is carried out exactly as described in the plan. TMB will ensure that each party involved acts in accordance with the customer's vision and that the project is faithfully executed on the ground.

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    Once the project is complete, it enters the "Operation or functioning" phase, in which the transport service must be delivered in compliance with the quality, safety and environmental standards, and satisfy the expectations of the users and society.