TMB bus

TMB Internacional

Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) is the main public transport operator in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and a benchmark in the field of public transport and mobility in Spain, Europe and the rest of the world.

TMB Internacional

TMB has been exporting its knowledge and experience in public transport management to the rest of the world for over 20 years. We use our experience to advise on a range of public transport projects at the international level.

We are a leading manger in terms of national and international urban transport by metro, bus and other modes of tourist and leisure transport.


The goal of TMB International is to contribute to improving mobility in cities, in line with TMB's mission. We export our knowledge to other regions,

including the rest of Spain, Latin America, North Africa and Europe.

Mobility Services

Improving the metro and bus networks and increasing their efficiency, as well as the quality of the services on offer throughout the metropolitan area, improving infrastructures and promoting intermodality with the incorporation of new personal and shared mobility services, including last and first mile modes of transport, taking advantage of the benefits and advantages of new technologies.

Digital transformation

Digitalisation is the way for TMB to improve public transport services in all its internal and external areas, including operation and maintenance, as well as the management of its internal processes and customer care and service.

Key facts

  • 2

    Billion passengers a year

  • 18.000


  • 127


  • 28


Digital solutions-applied technology

TMB is a benchmark company in the field of technology applied to mobility. Optimal public transport operation is achieved thanks to continuous innovation and the efficient management of the advanced technological systems it has at its disposal.

telefèric montjuïc