
What do we do?


TMB contributes to a sustainable city model through its multimodal transport offer and the decarbonisation of its activity. 59% of journeys in TMB's area of influence are made on the transport network operated by TMB in Barcelona.

Energy transition

Energy transition

TMB strives to be increasingly efficient in the generation and use of energy and to minimise polluting emissions into the atmosphere.


TMB is developing an energy transition strategy to reduce emissions in the networks it operates within the Barcelona metropolitan area.



By progressively making its bus fleet more sustainable

The introduction of 410 buses of different types (46 hydrogen, 210 electric, 154 CNG hybrids), and 120 electric vehicles to renew the auxiliary fleet (cars, vans) is planned by 2024.

By promoting synergies between the metro and buses

For example, the chargers in two of the bus depots will be supplied with electricity from the receiving substations of two metro lines 
(9 and 10).

By using green energy

Since 2016, all low-voltage electricity purchased by TMB has come from renewable sources with Guarantees of Origin (GoO). In addition, since 2018, all high-voltage electricity has also come from renewable sources.

Continuously reducing energy use and costs for ongoing operations and maintenance is vital for achieving the energy transition goals.




By reducing the specific consumption of trains, buses and equipment

By securing the cheapest energy and power prices

By using complementary green sources

By designing appropriately to curb/reduce maintenance and operating costs

By recovering energy

One of the main objectives is to reduce energy consumption in the metro by 6% by implementing technologies that allow the energy generated by the trains to be recovered.