
What do we do?

Customer experience

Journey map

Journey map

Our view of the customer as the focus of all our actions leads us to study customer satisfaction on a recurring basis using a variety of tools:


Fraud studies

A solution developed internally by TMB to estimate the level of fraud on the Metro and Bus network. Only the field work is outsourced, so the study's intellectual property belongs to TMB. It is a robust tool, implemented throughout the organisation for more than 15 years, which provides data reliability and granularity at line and business unit level.


Studies to measure the quality of the services provided

A study in operation since 2006, fully developed by TMB, which provides indicators of the objective quality of the service provided to customers on the metro and bus network. The system is based on the creation of scorecards to monitor the quality indicators defined. It allows the evaluation and monitoring of these indicators and the identification of possible opportunities for improvement as well as corrective actions for continuous improvement. It also permits certification in the UNE-13816 quality standard.

Customer satisfaction and experience studies

TMB carries out these studies annually on the metro and bus networks by means of 4,000 face-to-face customer surveys. These are carried out through TMB's digital customer database (JoTMBé). They provide annual customer satisfaction reports for the metro and bus network, by business unit, and scorecards with monthly customer satisfaction indicators for each stage of the metro and bus journey.


Segmented surveys using ddtags and the TMB Go app

This new technology (ddtags) allows surveys to be carried out at the time of the trip, in real time, to determine customer satisfaction at the time of their journey. In this way, it is possible to find out the main pain points that customers experience with our products and services so that we can correct them, offer a better customer experience, and build customer loyalty.