Modos de transporte

What do we do?

Modes of transport

TMB as a global operator

Bus touristique

Tourist bus

TMB also offers a tourist bus service, the so-called Barcelona Bus Turístic (BBT), to improve mobility for visitors to the city.

Bus turístico

According to the latest studies, it is the most widely used tourist transport by visitors to the city of Barcelona.


It has a fleet of 65 double-decker vehicles, of which 13 are hybrid-powered. There are 3 routes, blue, red and green, and between them they cover a total of 50.6 km of urban distance and  44 stops. On average, these buses carry 4 million passengers a year.


The main competitive advantage of Barcelona Bus Turístic lies in its partnership strategy with the main players in the market (Turismo de Barcelona, Gremio de Hoteleros, etc.) as well as in its in-depth knowledge of the operation and regulation of the bus transport service, since the same professionals regulate the city's public bus transport network.

Support for the SPTrans Operations and Control Centre (COP; São Paulo Municipal Bus Authority), Brazil.

The project consortium also included Eurecat, MCrit and Concremat.

Bus Sau Paulo

In this project, carried out between 2020 and 2021 and promoted by the World Bank, we collaborated with the Sao Paulo authorities to plan their bus control centre, with the goal of promoting the design of a geo-referenced information system for mobility and its subsequent integration with other systems, both existing and future.

On the other hand, the project identified the components to be considered in a future planning system and drew up recommendations focused on integrating the Metropolitan Region's operations centres to implement the Mobility as a service (MaaS) concept. The objective of this project was to develop a knowledge base, and define solutions and policy alternatives in relation to digitalisation and innovations applied to Operational Control Centres (OCCs) and Operational Management and Monitoring Systems (OMMSs), the incorporation of MaaS into these systems, and strategies for integrating big data and machine learning into transport planning and operations.