Modos de transporte

What do we do?

Modes of transport

TMB as a global operator

Bus à la demande

On-demand bus

Demand Responsive Transit or DRT is a new more sustainable, smart form of local transport that works on demand and adapts to the needs of the passenger.

bus demanda

TMB's 'Bus on demand' service has been operating since 2018 in the city of Barcelona.


The stops are fixed and routes are shared with other users with similar needs. The timetables are calculated on the basis of requests. Users indicate when they want to travel, the stop where they will get on, the stop where they will get off and how many people will be travelling. The bus does not have a fixed route, instead an algorithm calculates the shortest possible route between the requested stops.


In 2018, TMB carried out a pilot test of elMeuBus in Torre Baró, and in 2021 it was decided to extend this service to a larger area. In its 2025 strategic plan, TMB states its intention to extend the on-demand bus service to more areas and neighbourhoods, with up to 20 lines serving 50 neighbourhoods


This service improves transport energy efficiency while ensuring access to areas where there is less demand.