
Definition of operation plans for the Lima L2 Metro (automatic line)



Line 2 of the Lima Metro is the first automatic line in the Andean country, with a route of more than 27 kilometres underground and 27 stations.

In 2021, TMB completed the following Operating plans:

  • Operational Contingency Plan: this describes how to deal with the most common service contingencies (failure of the electrical supply, lack of communication, evacuations, etc.)
  • Special Contingency Plan: this addresses situations such as seismic risk, tsunami and fire.
  • Strategic Operating Plan: sets out the strategy for automatic line operations in the medium term.
  • Annual Operating Plan: this describes the annual plan of operation with the objectives for each year.
  • Service Provision Plan: includes timetables, intervals, work shifts, etc.
  • Operating Regulations: this defines the regulations for operating the line 
  • Cleaning Plan: designed for an automatic line and its special features


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